Other Publications

Titre VII TITLE VII/ QPC 2020. 10 years of the constitutional question Sixteen research reports on the priority question of constitutionality are freely available thanks to the initiative of the Constitutional Council

In the light of the tenth anniversary of the priority question of constitutionality (QPC), the Constitutional Council launched a broad call for research projects in 2018 to draw up an interdisciplinary assessment of the QPC in all its diversity. Kathia Martin-Chenut, research director at the CNRS and deputy scientific director of the Mission de recherche Droit et Justice, was a member of the scientific committee for this project. Two hundred researchers divided into sixteen groups studied the real implementation of the QPC, as well as the perception of the various publics concerned. The sixteen research teams submitted their work in January 2020. They are in the form of a research report and a summary note (To find the contribution of IRJI's teacher-researchers click here: Proposal to improve the PQC procedure before the lower courts - reflections based on a regional study of the practice of lower courts

The Constitutional Council has published a special issue of Title VII containing a synthesis of these research findings. In total, more than four thousand pages of reports shed light on certain aspects of the QPC that are still insufficiently documented. The knowledge gained from this work will allow for reflection on the potential of this tool and the improvement of its functioning.