Norms and Institutions in Europe

(co-chair elected on 30 June 2016)

The aim of this research area is to focus on issues relevant to relationships between European and national standards and systems. The normative production of the conventional order (ECHR and Council of Europe) and of the integrated order (European Union) leads to incessant adaptations of legal categories and case law, which requires lawyers to closely monitor these developments. Both the standards in the broad sense and their lawmakers (ECHR/Union/States), i.e. the European institutions, are at the heart of this activity, which invites analysis into all aspects of these changes, particularly those affecting domestic law.

Clearly, the institutional, political and economic issues involved in this vast movement reshaping the legal orders are tied to this theme, since the interactions involved are not exclusively normative. The institutional and political dynamics within Europe, be it the Union or the Council of Europe, require specific expertise on the part of researchers. Finally, since Europe cannot be isolated from the vast process of globalization of law(s), the international dimension of our research demands that many aspects of private and public international law be included. This research group is open not only to technical or practical analyses, but also ones which are prospective and theoretical. Private and public lawyers, politicians, historians and economists are all challenged by these new issues which, beyond the specificities of our disciplines, are redefining the nature and the very function of legal instruments.

This research group must be seen as being anchored to the various Masters of the Faculty of Law of Tours, i.e. directly attached to their curriculum & teaching which is designed specifically to prepare young researchers for post-graduate, doctoral studies.